Vision, Mission & Strategic Plan

As a Catholic Community, we aspire to lead in faith, guide with love and inspire through learning…
Vision Statement

The Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) 2023-2026 is the culmination of a rigorous and thorough review and analysis of data which in part included the feedback of all key stakeholders. This SIP builds on both the successes of the previous strategic plan and those key areas of school improvement requiring further attention to embed. The outcomes, displayed as a set of key strategies, are driven by an evidenced approach and are centred on building the collective efficacy of teachers leading to improved student outcomes.

The foundational vision of St. Peter’s College, where all are called to honour and strengthen our three pillars – Faith, Education and Service, is pivotal to our identity as a Catholic school. St. Peter’s College is Christ-centred in thought, word and deed and exists to continue to provide opportunities for all to come to know Christ in a personal way. This is the mission of a Catholic School. This is the mission of St. Peter’s College.

In 2022 we came to the end of our previous strategic plan. It was important, in our review, to take time to acknowledge the successes achieved. Amongst the achievements was strengthening our Catholic Identity, this was achieved by, increasing opportunities for staff to live out Catholic Social Teachings, deepening their understanding of the Catholic particularity. Staff  were also able to extend their knowledge and experience of recontextualised and dialogical prayer and liturgy.  Improvement in student learning outcomes was evidenced with the drive for all students to experience positive growth and more than 100% growth in literacy and numeracy across a single year. Improvements were gained in literacy, specifically in reading and spelling where we were to match the state. Whilst our VCE results remain steady we witnessed a thriving VCAL program which saw the improved retention of students and greater employment and further training opportunities.

Our School Improvement Plan 2023-2026 sets out a rigorous plan of school improvement based on three foundational and central areas of school improvement; Catholic Identity and Religious Education, Learning and Teaching and Leadership. We have utilised data to assess our current standing. Literacy and numeracy levels have been measured and ambitious targets have been set. This includes a re-commitmentment as a learning community to  achieve more than twelve months growth in literacy and numeracy in a single year and a single-minded focus on catering for every learner in the classroom through the provision of differentiated learning. In addition, a focus on the consistent application of classroom routines will create the most conducive learning environment for students to excel. Successfully achieving these ambitious goals will, in part, be achieved by building the collective efficacy of teachers in the classroom. It will also be achieved by developing highly effective leaders to drive our school improvement agenda.

Our strategic improvement plan is an evidence based approach to improving student learning outcomes, where students are our central core mission. As a school community we are committed to continuous improvement. As a Catholic community we are committed to the development of the whole person academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually to continue to meet the challenges of being a global citizen.

At St. Peter’s College we continue to: aspire all to lead in faith, be guided with love and inspire through learning. Our School motto provides us with the inspiration and permission to be ambitious as we strive to provide all students with the knowledge and skill set to make a contribution to our world. It is in this context that we embark on a new school improvement agenda where we will: Take courage,… and….Be not afraid (Mt 14:27)

Mr Chris Black


B Ed., Grad Cert in RE, M.L’Ship

Our new vision will say many things to many people but in essence it captures the most important beliefs and values that will guide and challenge this community in its decision-making, in its actions and its attitudes over the next four years – as we work with great passion to bring this vision to life for the benefit of our students.

Strategic Improvement Plan 2023 – 2026

Catholic Identity and Religious Education

Post Critical Belief is promoted through recontextualising and dialogical communities.


Catholic Social Teaching animates our work both within and beyond the classroom; and this will be coupled with the ‘To Live in Christ Jesus’ curriculum to design the progression of learning in RE.


Build staff confidence to create recontextualised dialogical communities.


  • ECSI data indicates a growing trend towards a preference for post critical belief and all ECSI data is within the indicative ranges
  • Insight-SRC Staff Catholic culture data improves annually
  • Teacher planning and teaching is in line with the Diocesan Religious Education Curriculum and Sexuality Education in Catholic Schools documents


Deepen the expertise of teachers to deliver high quality Religious Education.


  • Teacher planning and teaching is visible in UBDs and is in line with the Diocesan Religious Education Curriculum and Sexuality Education in Catholic Schools documents
  • Teachers and leaders have achieved and maintained relevant Accreditation status


Enhance parish, community and school partnerships.


  • Catholic Social Teaching is evident in school activities, teaching and publications
  • Parish Priest and parish clergy are regularly invited to the school
  • Students engaged in community outreach opportunities in greater numbers
Learning and Teaching

Expert Teacher Practice and Improved Student Outcomes

Students in all schools achieve learning growth and experience success through exposure to high quality teaching practices within safe and inclusive environments.


Build a shared understanding of expert teacher and evidenced informed practice to support increased team-based practice in teachers leading to improved learning outcomes.


Develop expert leader and teacher capacity


  • The Insight SRC Teaching Climate improves each year
  • Professional growth, appraisal and recognition and quality teaching in Insight SRC improves
  • There is a positive improvement trajectory in student performance at every percentile in NAPLAN measured in growth data


Build teacher capacity to measure success in student learning beyond NAPLAN and PAT


  • Every teacher demonstrates the effective use of a variety of assessment tools, inclusive of developmental rubrics found in SPACE class pages, to discern growth
  • Assessment practices demonstrate an accelerated rate of growth for every student


Develop capacity for inclusive education


  • Student perception of learning confidence using the Insight SRC tool increases
  • The Insight SRC Student Social Emotional Climate improves each year


Leadership for Learning

Leaders within DOSCEL and its schools are supported to thrive, through professional learning, development, and practices that support wellbeing.


Develop, enact, and evaluate a plan with all leaders to successfully implement the Blueprint for success and the College Learning Charter.


Leaders ensure the Organisational Climate drives the Teaching Climate.


  • The school has an established Professional Learning Plan aligned with the school and Diocesan priorities
  • The Insight-SRC Organisational Climate consistently improves over four years
  • Teacher Confidence; Quality Teaching and Engaging Practice Indicators in Insight-SRC strengthen


Leadership capacity is developed across all levels of leadership in the school.


  • Graduates of the Masters of Evidence-based practice transacting their learnings to build capacity in others
  • Increased number of staff applying for and gaining positions of leadership


School leaders create the conditions in which expert teacher practice is developed


  • The Insight-SRC Teaching Climate continues to improve


Child Safety

DOSCEL and its schools continue to plan for and provide a safe and suitable environment for all students and staff. Child safe and vulnerable adult practices are embedded within the culture of DOSCEL and its schools.


Child safety policies and procedures are embedded into practice to ensure a culture of safety is experienced by all young people.


Monitor and support policy implementation; procedures and practice in relation to child safety.


  • The school has evidence that: e.g. all employees, pre-service teachers and contractors have WWCC; all teachers have valid VIT registration; 100% of school employees complete mandatory reporting training on an annual basis
  • A child friendly version of child safe policy and procedures is evident in the school
  • The school maintains an up to date child safe risk assessment register and implements appropriate procedures