House System

In 2012 St. Peter’s College introduced a Vertical Pastoral Care System, which saw the implementation of the St. Peter’s College House System for all students.

Each student and staff member is allocated one of the eight Houses during their time at the College. This House is not only for this child but for all children within your family that attend St Peter’s College. It is essentially your Family’s House, and your primary link with all aspects of your children’s College life.

Why A House System?

House Leader

Your child, indeed your family will be allocated a House on admission to the College, and this House will remain the same for the entire time your student and their siblings are at St. Peter’s College.

Each House is overseen by a House Leader, who has overall responsibility for the students in their respective House and who will work closely on a day to day, indeed hour to hour, if required basis, with your child’s Learning Advisor to ensure the best possible Academic and Pastoral Care outcome for the students in their House.

Extensive study and practice has shown that the House system delivers:

  • Increased connectedness and engagement in students to their House and the College
  • Learning Advisors and House Leaders feel they are building long term relationships with students – a relationship that is not terminal
  • Tutor Groups have fewer students
  • Consistency of contact for parents over the student’s time at the College, especially for ongoing welfare and academic needs of students
  • Reduction in the incidence of bullying and unruly behaviour around congested areas of the campus, eg: locker areas
  • Increased participation in extra-curricular activities promoting House Spirit because of the sense of belonging to that House
  • Enhanced student leadership
  • Positive peer influence. Relief from peer pressure that can occurs amongst same age groups