Year 10 Curriculum

Year 10

The senior pathways guide will provide for students and parents/carers, information regarding Year 10 units as well as Year 11 and 12. The range of options available in the senior secondary years of schooling is wide and continues to expand. The majority of students go on to complete the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), however, there are a number of pathways available for students to achieve a senior secondary qualification. These pathways make it possible for a variety of student needs to be met within the school environment.

At St Peter’s College we seek to provide as many of these senior secondary pathways as possible so that students are able to make the choice which suits them best and will allow them to achieve their own personal goals. While many of our students will follow the pathway into a VCE program, some will include a Vocational Education and Training (VET) component in their studies. Another option open to students whose needs may not be met by mainstream VCE studies is the Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM).

Year 10 Curriculum

Year 10 students undertake 9 subjects made up of 5 core subjects and 4 elective units over the course of the year. Subjects run over a 10 day timetable cycle, with 5 periods per day as well as Tutor Group each morning and includes one Pastoral Period per cycle. Year 10 students may apply to undertake a Year 11 accelerated unit or VET course in place of two elective units.

Core subject areas studied by Year 10 students

1. Religion or Youth Ministry or Art Ministry or Music Ministry – 4 periods per fortnight
2. English – 9 periods per fortnight
3. Mathematics – 9 periods per fortnight
4. Students must choose one of the following units that run in alternate semesters
– Science (see choices) – 9 periods per fortnight
– Humanities (see choices) – 9 periods per fortnight

Elective unit choices for Year 10 students

Elective unit choices (2 units per semester, 9 periods per fortnight)

Health & Physical Education
– Health & Human Development
– Physical Education Application

– French
– Japanese

– App Development
– Catering & Hospitality
– Food Around the World
– Product Design
– Metal Fabrication
– Robotics
– Textile Design

The Arts
– Art
– Dance
– Music Performance
– Photo Media
– Theatre Studies
– Visual Communication Design

Senior Pathways – Curriculum Handbook