Library: Learning and Discovery Centres
St. Peter’s College Learning and Discovery Centres (LDC’s) support the College vision for our learners to ‘develop skills today to thrive in tomorrow’s world’ by ensuring that our students aspire to meet their true potential and, steered by our Petrine charism, students are encouraged to ‘Be Not Afraid’ and so to practise becoming resilient ‘life-long’ learners.
Library Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 4.30pm
Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm
Guided by the St. Peter’s College ROCKS Behavioural Policy, the Learning and Discovery Centre’s (LCD’s) at Cranbourne Campus and Clyde North Campus provide welcoming and safe spaces for all our students, teachers and staff, as well as members of the wider school community to read, learn, discover, play, perform, discuss, create and research in a creative, stimulating and discerning learning environment.
The LDC’s support the College Curriculum with timely and contemporary learning resources that support classroom programs, student and teacher research, reading classes, study groups and tutoring groups. ‘My Library’ is an online digital portal providing the College Community with access to digital collections of eBooks and research resources through our online academic databases and study resources. Our online catalogue provides a comprehensive guide to our extensive physical fiction, non-fiction and recreational collections available at the LDC’s.
Reading and the pursuit of robust literacy skills is critical at St. Peter’s College. Our wide reading collections reflect a diverse world of stories for all Year Levels and the ‘Student Voice’ in selecting new and engaging reading choices is paramount.
Our Year 7 and 8 students participate in the ‘Reading Detective Program’ as part of their English curriculum, engaging them in wide reading choices as well as consolidating a perceptive understanding of their reading.
The LDC’s host regular extracurricular activities and experiences including author visits, performer visits, SIS Debating and SIS ‘Book-in-a-Day’ as well as regular recreational clubs including LEGO, Book Clubs and Chess Clubs.
Our professional LDC staff support the College Community on their learning journey as well as providing the following services:
- Book hire (texts books)
- Photocopying, scanning and printing facilities
- Access to desktop computers
- Media equipment
- Homework Program ‘Study Smart’